Custom Embroidered Visors

Keep the scorching sun out of your eyes and your head cool during cycling, running, or while watching a football game with our specially customized visors from Cover Your Head. Our visors are a perfect alternative to standard hats. They feature a unique customized embroidered style and design perfect for any occasion. Whether you are a golfer, outdoor volleyball player or landscaper, our custom visors are your perfect fit and will even complement your average attire.

Our visors are made of high-quality fabric and custom embroidered for extra durability and a perfect match for your attire. Any person, no matter their age can rock our unique visors since they come in a variety of styles, designs, colors, and sizes. From kids, teens, to adults; there is everything for everyone. We use the most advanced technology and workmanship to produce visors that suit your particular taste and style. Our visors are a perfect addition to your wardrobe during summer for maximum sun protection. Get your perfect fit with our wide selection this season.

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